Saturday, November 29, 2008

Montemorelos Nuevo Leon Mexico

Currently at a cyber cafe in Montemorelos, on our way to Linares,
What a vacation!!
We left Washington on Friday the 21st of November!!
I had a 2nd ultrasound that day as well, the baby´s heart beat was 167 . Strong heart beat, a bit high, so hoping for a boy.
Road trip was super fast, it was great cause that ride was getting on my nerves....the girls were so tired of the road trip they were ready to run, jump and play at a house.
We have been eating¨"RASPAS" everyday, they are snowcones full of sugar, especially the LECHE ones.
Hayley and Reyna both have sore throats and coughs from eating so much ice.
Jocelyn is having fun in San Benito with her cousins Samantha and Vanessa.
My stomach is getting bigger and bigger, not so much the baby , but all the tacos and tortas I have been eating.(lol)
So far so good, Enjoying my vacation even if all I want to do is sleep. I am so tired all the time its not even funny. I won´t make it if I don´t take a nap

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Pictures

Yesterday was Sunday, so we got all dressed up and ready to go to church, I figured it was a good opportunity to take our pictures for our Christmas cards. So here they are